The finger pointed at it, the light in his eyes, I held my anger and fear to avoid falling into panic and make things worse.
I felt the public expectation and my partner as my brain was busy looking after my reply.
“No, not that one, this is the last act in this replica …”
I do not know if that you’re already happened, but when you forget a scene on cue, it’s always a bit worrisome.
But if you have already repeated the text without error, so that you know that you know, then it is by hanging on to this insurance that you can get out of this situation.
You see, when you have a scene on the hole, the worst thing you could do would be to blame you for this oversight and begin to panic.
Rather, it is still the intention of the time and circumstances of the scene that you will return the text in memory.
This is what happened to me in the first act of the play Iphigenia in Tauris in which I play now.
And even if I did not say the exact text, it allowed me to continue the scene and keep the dramatic tension of the moment.
Do not forget that most of the time, the public does not know the text and are hoodwinked!
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This article in French : Que faire quand on a un trou sur scène