Living Emotions

This is an automatic translation of my french article : Mieux vivre ses émotions

Like it or not, emotions are part of life. Without them no joy in life, no love, no sense of belonging.

To better live his emotions, he must first accept and recognize. It must also be able to better manage their negative emotions in order not to become overwhelmed.

There is a natural mechanism of our mind to better living emotions. This is an ability that everyone has and that it is possible to train and master more.

The actors are using this capacity to live intensely the emotions of their characters. Rescuers, emergency or fire department use it instead to detach their emotions during their interventions.

This is called the association and dissociation.

Better living emotions with the association / dissociation

Being associated means to be really in his body and see the world from that perspective in our mental representation. It is being aware of what is happening in the body and actually live there. Consciousness directions forward, backward, right, left, below, above allows to focus and put his spirit in the body.

Be separated meaning the contrary represent his body from the outside. Consciousness is often placed in one direction. It is as if we are watching from the outside at a distance from the body.

To better live his emotions, it is important to train these capabilities.


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By being fully involved, you live your emotions bottom like a child who is unaware of being observed. Besides, you’ve probably heard a parent say to a child that everyone looks to calm him.

If you look outside when you have a strong emotion, that emotion will automatically fall. If instead you associate yourself fully when you have a pleasant emotion you will feel it more fully.

For some people live better emotions can mean more associated with positive emotions to live more intensely. For another person, live better emotions can have the ability to dissociate it passes through a negative emotion.

Among the sub-modalities (or parameters) that allow the experience to be more involved, there are particular direction and distance. When you live in your body, you can evaluate the objects in your field of vision or sounds depending on their direction and their distance from you. In this way, you put your body in reference to all that is around you. It is as if your field of view was 360 °.

Rather being dissociated, it is as if the world were to you only. You know where things are in relation to you because you see them as on a plane. It’s like if you had a map of where you are, with double of you in this plan.

A person happens to live better negative emotions can say for example that comes to stand back or it puts things flat.

A game to train the association / dissociation

You can play with this capability by partnering then separating you.

Settle in one place and put your attention on what is present around you. Pay particular attention to the directions and distances. You can imagine an imaginary wire connects the center of your chest with the object or sound you observe. You can also imagine making a round trip to this item for touch. And be careful at the same time to all your physical sensations. And how these sensations change according to your attention to things.

Then imagine that you step back out of your body and you observe the situation from above. You can have an overview of where you are and what’s happening around you. In this situation, it is easier to analyze things because you back.

And return your body to feel new things from within. You can see which part of the body you more conscious.

And you can continue to associate with you and separate you as long as you like.

By playing this way, you learn to associate you and separate you, so you can use this ability whenever you need it.


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