When a person comes to me for a private meeting, it is often because they want to get rid of something. Whether anxiety, phobia, fears, negative thoughts, etc …
And the first work I do to him is to define what it wants instead of what it does not want.
In everyday life, you can often remove something that you no longer want, and that is enough. One can for example take a fruit which rotted, or a dusty old garment. But if it’s a leaky faucet or a cabinet containing your dishes, you rather start thinking about replacing them.
And often, in this case, you go first to buy the new faucet or the new cabinet before discarding the old.
Similarly, if in a day 24 you spend 3 hours at behaviors that acceptable to you, you just can not take these behaviors and find yourself with a day of 21h.
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Change through self-hypnosis
So if you have behaviors or negative feelings you want to change through self-hypnosis, you may want to start by defining them.
In which circumstances ? At what times of the day? What triggers them? How it manifests?
Ask yourself the questions that will allow you to set this behavior in the most precise manner possible. If so leaky faucet, maybe not this is worth redo the whole kitchen.
The objective of this step is to step back on the behavior you want to change through self-hypnosis, to examine it with detachment.
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Define what you want
And once this behavior or these feelings defined, define what you want to put in place. How do you want to feel? What would you be able to do?
And already you begin to change because you think differently. Your brain will make new associations of ideas to help you to change this behavior, and the hypnosis or self-hypnosis simply will strengthen and validate the change.
In the life of a person, the hypnosis sessions can represent several hours. This is what happens outside these sessions that will make your life changed.
If you want to prepare a dish, you can not you just talk about the ingredients you do not want. Even if it can help you to know that you do not want to gluten or meat or spices or green vegetables or fat at a time, you still have to decide the foods you put in your dish. And it is only from that moment that you actually start to cook.
So the most important step for change through self-hypnosis is one that allows you to decide behavior, reactions, feelings that you would like and the specific circumstances in which you wish to have these behaviors.
More specific you are, the more change will be easy!
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This article in French : Changer par l’auto-hypnose